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Silicon Valley’s Tax Preparation Experts

Having a trusted tax advisor can make all the difference in minimizing potential surprises during tax season. At Ferber & Bouslog Tax Preparation, we are a team of skilled and certified tax advisors offering individuals and businesses precision tax preparation and planning services tailored to your needs. With years of industry expertise and a keen eye for detail, we continue to stay proactively well-versed in all the latest developments regarding federal, state, and local tax policies that have a direct impact on your unique financial situation. Ready to get started? Get in touch with us today.

tax discussing in office

Meet Your Dedicated Tax Advisors

After working together for over six years, Alec Ferber and Jake Bouslog founded Ferber & Bouslog Tax Preparation in 2023 with the sole mission of assisting clients like you with filing your tax returns with accuracy and efficiency. We specialize in developing tax planning strategies personalized to your needs, saving you time and money and ensuring you know what to expect at the end of every year. We aim to maximize your refund while minimizing your tax liability! Our goal is to become the most trusted tax advisors by establishing meaningful, long-lasting relationships through trust, integrity, and a thoughtful approach to your finances.

Our Complete Range of Tax Services

Tax Preparation

  • Accurate & effective tax preparation for individuals & businesses
  • Knowledge in all areas of tax laws & regulations
  • Customized service tailored to your tax circumstance

Tax Planning

  • Tax planning for RSUs/ESPPs/ISOs/NSOs
  • Planning to avoid underpayment penalties
  • W-4 adjustments for correct withholdings
  • Help planning for quarterly payments

IRS Representation

  • We can help make sense of common IRS notices
  • Years of experience ensures you are properly represented

Helping You Get Through Tax Season

Maintain compliance and a clear picture of your financial health throughout the year with ease and efficiency at Ferber & Bouslog Tax Preparation, where we leverage our experience and in-depth understanding of the tax system to make your financial and tax worries a thing of the past. We proudly offer a complete array of tax services designed to help you navigate the often-complex world of tax policy.

From effective tax planning and precision preparation to certified IRS representation, our team is here to resolve the tax needs of individuals and businesses all throughout the year.

Schedule an Appointment